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191 results

  • Premises Licence Applications

    Current premises licence applications More
    Opened 1 January 2019
  • Parking and Traffic Consultations

    You can have your say about proposed parking changes in your local area, and view all current restrictions, via Havering's online parking and traffic portal called TraffWeb. Many consultations only require consultation from residents who are local to the changes and they will be sent details about how to comment. Other schemes may require wider public consultation and they are listed on our main consultations page when they are open to comment. How to use... More
    Opened 1 January 2019
  • Your Romford

    What's the future you want to see for your Romford? Havering Council is committed to protecting and strengthening Romford Town Centre and the surrounding area, to make sure it continues to be a place that people live, visit and enjoy. To do that, we want to hear your priorities, ideas and aspirations for Romford. Your feedback will help to shape a new Masterplan for Romford, which will guide future development in the town. More
    Opened 1 January 2019
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Points

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views from those that live, work, or study, in Havering, on electric vehicles. Whether they own or plan to own an electric vehicle, and what Havering Council can do to help, especially regarding the installation of charge points on the streets of the Borough. More
    Opened 25 March 2019
  • Local Plan Revised Policy 11 Gypsy and Traveller and Show People Accommodation

    Following the examination hearings in October 2018, the Inspector asked the Council to do further work in order to make the emerging Local Plan sound in order for it to be adopted by the Council. Policy 11 of the emerging Local plan deals with gypsy and traveller accommodation. The Inspector requested that further work be undertaken to identify how many pitches for gypsy and traveller households will be needed over the period of the Local Plan and reflect this in a revised Policy... More
    Opened 16 April 2019
  • Statutory Consultation on the proposed Resourced Provision for Special Educational Needs at Nelmes Primary School

    Havering Council has published a statutory notice and other information setting out its formal proposal to add a 12 place Resourced Provision of Special Educational Need Places to Nelmes Primary School. The publication of this statutory notice marks the beginning of the formal consultation (Representation period) of four weeks which starts on Friday 26 April 2019 and ends on Friday 24 May 2019. If at the end of this representation and the decision is... More
    Opened 26 April 2019
  • Bower Park Academy Expansion Consultation

    Bower Park Academy has agreed to consult on a proposal to create additional secondary school places by expanding the school from 6FE to 7FE thereby increasing the school intake 180 to 210 places per year group from September 2020. This consultation is for parents, carers, governors, staff, pupils of Bower Park Academy and any other persons who have an interest in the school to express their views or ask question on the proposed expansion . The Consultation... More
    Opened 29 April 2019
  • Registration for Children not in school

    The Department for Education are consulting on the introduction of a system of Local Authority registration for children not in school. This relates to a proposed register for said children, as well as introducing a duty on LAs to provide specific support to parents More
    Opened 9 May 2019
  • Havering Tenancy Policy - Your Views

    Havering’s tenancy policy explains what kind of tenancy you can expect to get, and how we will manage your tenancy with us. We are currently reviewing the tenancy policy and would like to hear your views on the changes we are proposing. As there are not a large number of these, we have kept the consultation relatively short, so we hope you will feel able to get involved. More
    Opened 13 June 2019
  • Property Licensing

    London Borough of Havering want to ensure that private rented properties offer residents a choice of safe, quality and well managed accommodation. The key priorities are to reduce anti-social behaviour from rental properties which is caused by poor management and improve housing standards. London Borough of Havering acknowledges that the majority of landlords operate their businessess professionally and that the private rented sector provides housing options for local people.... More
    Opened 26 June 2019
  • Front doors to sustainable services: a consultation on proposals to change how Children's Centres and Libraries are operated in Havering

    This public consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the way that Children's Centres and Libraries operate in the London Borough of Havering. The consultation also asks questions about how communities use facilities and activities in Havering and whether there might be appetite to set up Community Hubs in the borough. You can find out more about our proposals below: Please note that further public meetings have been added throughout September. Please find... More
    Opened 26 June 2019
  • All Age Autism Strategy

    We are working to ensure that Havering becomes an autism inclusive borough where people with autism have the same opportunities as everyone else. A first draft of an All Age Autism strategy has been developed, aimed at people of all ages with autism and also their families. More
    Opened 3 July 2019
  • Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Strategy Consultation

    Havering Health and Wellbeing Board welcomes you to this consultation. We are keen to get feedback about the draft strategy from people who live, work or study in the borough. The draft strategy is available for download in the Related section at the bottom of this page. There are two versions: a short quick read (the easy read version), and the longer more detailed full strategy. This consultation will close on 29 August and a report will then be published on... More
    Opened 24 July 2019
  • Personal Budgets & Direct Payments Policy & Guidance

    Havering has developed draft Personal Budgets and Direct Payments guidance and policies to allow Parents, Families, Carers and Partners to gain a better understanding of, and increasing the use of Personal Budgets and Direct Payments. The drafts developed to date follow discussion with Parents, Families, Carers and Partners as well as an analysis of the equivalent documents of other Local Authorities to help determine the best approach for Havering. The... More
    Opened 24 July 2019
  • Homecarers Survey 2019

    We are researching the Homecare Services in Havering and we would really like to hear from Homecarers who provide this vital service to vulnerable people of the Borough. Your feedback is important as it will help us to develop the Homecare services on offer locally. More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Traffic Calming Measures

    Havering Council is proposing to introduce traffic calming measures in three areas in the borough in response to concerns raised by local residents about speeding traffic. The three areas are: Dury Falls Estate Percy Road, Linley Crescent and Hainault Road Around Mead School Detailed drawings for these three areas showing our proposals to mitigate residents concerns can be found in the related documents section below. We invite your comments... More
    Opened 18 September 2019
  • Gambling Policy Consultation

    Havering Council is the Licensing Authority under the Gambling Act 2005. This gives the Council responsibility for issuing gambling premises licences and a range of permits. More
    Opened 30 September 2019
  • Post-16 Education in Havering

    This survey is for all parents, pupils and other stakeholders who are interested in what the Post 16 offer in Havering could look like. More
    Opened 1 October 2019
  • Budget Consultation 2019

    Since 2014, the Council has saved over £90 million in response to reduced Central Government funding. We have protected frontline services as much as possible; whilst investing in other areas to help us become more efficient and effective. However with a continued funding decrease and increasing demand and cost of services, the Council will continue to experience further challenges. Havering Council is no longer in receipt of any general grant from central government. ... More
    Opened 1 October 2019
  • Proposed Changes to the Community Warden Service - Your Views

    Consultation introduction: The London Borough of Havering is committed to improving the safety of the borough for all residents. We wish to enhance the way we work and ensure our officers are best prepared and empowered to reflect the challenges that exist today. As such, we are proposing to make changes to our Enforcement and Safety Service, including Housing Community Wardens, subject to consultation. Our aim is to deliver a more joined-up approach to enforcement by realigning... More
    Opened 4 October 2019
  • Parking Review

    Havering Council has launched a parking review and is consulting households and businesses on how best to protect their parking. Residents and businesses have told us of the problems they have in parking near their homes and business properties. To find out more and to look at the best solutions, a parking review consultation has been launched in the nine areas from which we have heard have the most issues. The Council will be consulting in the following areas: ... More
    Opened 11 October 2019
  • Leisure Centre Community Conversation

    Following the closure of the Chafford Sports Complex in June 2019, Havering Council has been working to find a new site for a brand new leisure centre in the south of the borough. The new leisure centre, which will have dance and spinning studios, 72-station fitness suite and six-lane swimming pool, will be a modular design, meaning it can be built quickly. Council officers have looked at a similar building – Becontree Heath Leisure Centre extension in... More
    Opened 31 October 2019
  • Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy policy consultation

    Consultation Summary We are developing Havering’s Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2020-2025 and need your help. This will be our most important strategy for years as we focus on enhancing the service we deliver to the town’s most vulnerable people. We want to help our families and their children, we are focussed on supporting single people and we will go the extra mile to ensure nobody sleeps on the streets of Havering by 2022. As a Council we are... More
    Opened 13 December 2019
  • Home to school travel assistance policy for 2020-21

    We publish a policy on how we meet the travel assistance needs of children and young people in our borough every year. What is travel assistance? We can provide support to students who are eligible and need support in order to get to school or college. This support can be training young people to develop the skills to travel by themselves, supporting families to take their children to school and sometimes by providing direct transport services. What is being proposed? ... More
    Opened 9 January 2020
  • Proposed changes to non-residential care charging policy

    This consultation is being conducted to consider residents' opinions on the proposed changes to the non-residential care charging policy. Section 14 of the Care Act 2014 gives local authorities discretionary powers to charge for care and support services provided to service users and carers. Where a local authority applies the discretion to charge, which the London Borough of Havering has, it must follow the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment Resources) Regulations 2014 and... More
    Opened 13 January 2020
  • Proposed amalgamation of St Ursula’s Catholic Infant School and St Ursula’s Catholic Junior School

    Havering Council and the Diocese of Brentwood is consulting on a proposal to amalgamate St Ursula’s Catholic Infant School and St Ursula’s Catholic Junior School. This will result in a single primary school being established. The consultation starts on Monday 20 January 2020 and will close on Monday 17 February 2020. The consultation document and some frequently asked questions on the proposed amalgamation can be viewed below. More
    Opened 20 January 2020
  • Values Survey

    Havering Council has commissioned the Campaign Company to conduct a survey with local residents to help us better understand residents’ views of the local area and improve how the council communicates and engages with residents. The survey is usually conducted by phone, but there may be some minor face to face contact if we feel that not everyone is represented fairly, for example, if certain age ranges are underrepresented as the random survey of 1000 residents... More
    Opened 22 January 2020
  • Business Impact Survey

    Havering Council has created this survey so businesses throughout the borough can notify us of the impact that Coronavirus is having on their business. This will be used to inform the Council and help assess the impact of COVID-19 in our borough. Your perso nal details will not be shared outside of Havering Council but your business location (town/district level) and comments will be used in reporting. If you have any questions please email ... More
    Opened 16 April 2020
  • Live in Care SITREP

    Live In Care Sitrep More
    Opened 22 April 2020
  • Rainham and Beam Park Consultation

    Since June 2015, Rainham and Beam Park has been identified as one of the GLA’s new ‘Housing Zones’. As part of this allocation the Rainham and Beam Park Regeneration LLP are proposing the development of three sites to deliver approximately 160 new homes and the relocation of the Silver Hall Social Club, as well as associated landscape works. The three sites are: NR06a - 143 New Road NR06b - 149-153 New Road NR02/02 - 195-205 New Road... More
    Opened 15 June 2020
191 results. Page 1 of 7