Whitchurch Road - Proposed zebra crossing
We want to hear your views on Havering Council’s proposal to introduce a zebra crossing on Whitchurch Road, Romford.
The proposed crossing should enhance and ensure safer crossing facilities for residents, including vulnerable road users such as those with mobility issues, wishing to cross Whitchurch Road.
Please send your comments on the proposal in writing via email to schemes@havering.gov.uk no later than Friday 28 March 2025.
A drawing of the proposal and the consultation letter is available at the bottom of this page.
Why your views matter
All the responses received will be carefully analysed and can influence the final scheme design. We will make changes based upon suggestions and comments where feasible; and if changes are not possible, we will explain why. Elements of the scheme that are not well supported by residents may be reconsidered if possible.
Give us your views
- Residents
- Highways
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