222 results
Hacton Primary School Streets Consultation
What is this consultation about? This consultation is about gathering your views on school streets and whether you would welcome a School Streets Zone being trialled at Hacton Primary School. How does a School Street Zone work? A S chool Street Zone restricts motorised traffic to non-resident vehicles on the streets around the entrance to schools at opening and closing times. Only pedestrians and non-motorised vehicles... MoreClosed 8 September 2024 -
Whybridge and Brittons School Streets Consultation
What is this consultation about? This consultation is about gathering your views on school streets and whether you would welcome a School Streets Zone being trialled at Whybridge Infant and Junior and The Brittons Academy Schools. How does a School Street Zone work? A S chool Street Zone restricts motorised traffic to non-resident vehicles on the streets around the entrance to schools at opening and closing times. Only... MoreClosed 8 September 2024 -
Rise Park Schools - School Streets Consultation
What is this consultation about? This consultation is about gathering your views on school streets and whether you would welcome a School Streets Zone being trialled at Rise Park Schools.. How does a School Street Zone work? A S chool Street Zone restricts motorised traffic to non-resident vehicles on the streets around the entrance to schools at opening and closing times. Only pedestrians and non-motorised vehicles are... MoreClosed 8 September 2024 -
Community Chest Activity Information 2024 (To be completed at the end of the project - September 2024 onwards)
The questions are designed to capture overall activity data to enable the monitoring and evaluation of VCFSEs in receipt of a Community Chest grant. This information will respresent all activity undertaken through the agreed period of time covered by the Community Chest Grant. MoreOpened 4 September 2024 -
Community Chest Activity Information 2024 (To be completed at the end of the project)
The questions are designed to capture overall activity data to enable the monitoring and evaluation of VCFSEs in receipt of a Community Chest grant. This information will respresent all activity undertaken through the agreed period of time covered by the Community Chest Grant. MoreClosed 4 September 2024 -
Libraries - children and young people version
Havering Council has launched a crucial new survey aimed at children and young people, inviting them to shape the future of the borough’s library service at a critical point in its history. The ‘SHOUT about Libraries’ survey seeks to gather the opinions of young residents on proposed changes to Havering’s library service, including the potential closure of four branch libraries. The ‘SHOUT about Libraries’ survey, created in partnership with Mind Of My... MoreClosed 31 August 2024 -
Havering’s new health and wellbeing partnership website
Havering Council, the NHS, local voluntary organisations, Police and the London Fire Brigade work together as, what is known as, the Havering Place Based Partnership. This partnership is setting up a new health and wellbeing website to make it as easy as possible for you to find information and support in the Havering. We would like you to help us shape this new health and wellbeing initiative by giving us feedback about what we should call it and what its logo should be. ... MoreClosed 28 August 2024 -
Frog Island Planning Enforcement Notice Public Inquiry
Appeal Reference: APP/B5480/C/22/3305409 Land at Frog Island, Ferry Lane, Rainham, Essex, RM13 9YH Appeal made under section 174 of the TCPA 1990 against the issuing of an enforcement notice by the Council of the London Borough of Havering. The appeal is made by S Walsh & Son Limited. The matters alleged in the enforcement notice to constitute a breach of planning control are: Without the benefit of planning permission, the material change of use of the Land from use... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Beam Park Station Travel Survey
Havering Council has been actively advocating for the construction of a new railway station in Beam Park, which will be located adjacent to the existing C2C railway line. The station will be strategically positioned midway between Dagenham Dock and Rainham. This iniative aims to significantly enhance transportation accessibility for both current and future residents in the area, including those living in future planned housing developments. By improving public... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
East Hall Lane - Public Space Protection Order
Following the current temporary road closure and restricted access on East Hall Lane, the Council is considering whether to extend this closure through a Public Space Protection Order. As you may be aware, before the closure of East Hall Lane came into force, the road had been plagued by persistent fly-tipping; raising both environmental and health concerns as well as the negative social impact and economic costs of removing it. The temporary road closure has significantly... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Havering Council Libraries Consultation
Havering Council has a legal duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all those who “live, work or study and want to access the service” in the city (Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964). We are currently inviting people who live, work, or study in the borough to help shape the future of the library service. Great things happen in our libraries, but we face significant challenges in the future. We know that, especially post-Covid, the way... MoreClosed 2 August 2024 -
Hacton Drive - proposed introduction of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions and Unrestricted Parking Bays
Following reports of obstructive parking in the lower half of Hacton Drive, the Council is considering implementing 'at any time' waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) and marked parking bays, similar to those already in place in the upper half of the road. These measures aim to prevent vehicles from parking opposite each other, which can obstruct traffic, including emergency service vehicles. Additionally, the marked bays will help to prevent the blocking of private... MoreClosed 2 August 2024 -
Farnham and Hilldene Regeneration Proposals Phase 3
Havering Council and Wates Group would like to hear your views on our ambitious phase 3 plans for transforming Harold Hill Town Centre into a vibrant, welcoming and sustainable hub for everyone. Please see our 'documents' section below for more information on our plans. MoreClosed 16 July 2024 -
Havering Community Safety Residents' Survey 2024
The Havering Community Safety Partnership has launched its survey on crime and disorder, to find out how residents feel about different types of crime across the borough. The survey will help to shape the work of the partnership which is made up of staff from Havering Council, the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, Probation services, Health services, and other organisations. MoreClosed 28 June 2024 -
Havering Council parking proposal to remove 50% discount for unsuccessful appeals and challenges
Within the Council's approved Budget for 2024/5, it was agreed in principle to amend some of the charges and discounts to parking and moving traffic contravention Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). We are seeking your views on our proposal and how you think it might affect you, and would also like to give you the opportunity to add any other comments about parking and moving traffic contravention enforcement in Havering. The Council undertakes parking and moving... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
Child Protection Conference Survey - Professionals
After each conference we ask parents, professionals and young people who have attended, to complete a survey in relation to their experience of the Child Protection Conference. The feedback we receive will help us to continue to improve our service. MoreOpened 16 May 2024 -
Alderman Public House Consultation
Havering Council and its partner developer Wates have launched a public consultation on plans to bring forward new affordable homes on Chippenham Road (please click here for your say on these proposals) and to ensure that we capture all feedback, we are running a separate consultation on the use of the Alderman Public House. The plans, which mark a significant milestone in the ongoing revitalisation of Harold Hill and form part of the second phase of the Harold Hill Regeneration... MoreClosed 10 May 2024 -
Harold Hill Chippenham Road Regeneration Consultation
Havering Council and Wates are bringing forward ambitious plans to deliver new homes on Chippenham Road, as part of the Harold Hill Town Centre regeneration masterplan. Our proposals will benefit the community and that’s why it’s important to us that we hear your views on what we are proposing. You can find our plans in the 'Related' section below, and you are also invited to view the plans by visiting one of the exhibitions taking place this month at Harold... MoreClosed 10 May 2024 -
Beam Parks 'Residents Parking Scheme' Consultation
In October 2023, we asked for views on the current parking situation for roads in the Beam Park area. Over 300 people completed the survey and the vast majority of responses indicated that they would prefer a ‘residents parking scheme’ rather than solely ‘waiting restrictions’. Based on the feedback gathered, proposals for a residents parking scheme have been designed and links to the plans showing these proposals can be found at the bottom of this page. ... MoreClosed 12 April 2024 -
Havering Social Care Academy (HSCA) Foster Carers Reflective Learning Log - 2024/2025
Please complete following attendance at any training event or after undertaking any development or learning event provided to you by London Borough of Havering. MoreOpened 2 April 2024 -
Havering Social Care Academy (HSCA) Foster Carers Reflective Learning Log - 2023/2024
Please complete following attendance at any training event or after undertaking any development or learning event provided to you by London Borough of Havering. MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Havering Social Care Academy (HSCA) Providers training feedback - 2023/2024
Please complete following attendance at any training event or after undertaking any development or learning event MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) What they are The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) are part of a huge overhaul of social housing regulations, to help us understand the needs and preferences of our tenants and let all residents know how well we are doing at providing quality homes and services. All social housing landlords in England need to speak to and survey their tenants to report on the TSMs from April 2024. The survey questions are designed to see how well we are... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Autism Service Survey
Havering's overall vision is to seek to become an autism-inclusive borough where people with autism have the same opportunities as everyone else. We are aware that there is a lack of community support for those with autism and want to address this by co-designing a new service with our residents. We thank our autistic community for their valuable feedback and contribution to the development of this survey. MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
Autism Service Survey for Parents and Carers
Havering's overall vision is to seek to become an autism-inclusive borough where people with autism have the same opportunities as everyone else. We are aware that there is a lack of community support for those with autism and want to address this by co-designing a new service with our residents. We thank our autistic community for their valuable feedback and contribution on the development of this survey. MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029 Consultation
Havering Council is aiming to eradicate childhood obesity in 20 years and is asking for residents' views on plans to do this. The Council has been working in partnership with over 25 local organisations to develop a strategy to address obesity in Havering. Havering has high rates of childhood and adulthood obesity which is causing ill health and cutting lives short. The strategy acknowledges that the causes of obesity are complex and that there is no single cause of... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Hacton Drive Pedestrian Zone consultation
How does a Pedestrian Zone work? A Pedestrian Zone scheme restricts motorised traffic to non-resident vehicles on the streets of the zone during the times of operation. A pedestrian zone is monitored by unattended cameras mounted on lamp columns or posts at the entry points of a zone. Vehicles seen entering the restricted area during the times of prohibition without a permit or not exempted will be issued a Penalty Charge Notice. Leaving the pedestrian... MoreClosed 5 February 2024 -
Community Chest Havering 2023/24
The Havering Place based Partnership (a partnership of health, care and community and voluntary sector organisations) working closely with the London Borough of Havering is committed to supporting the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector (VCFSE) to deliver services and activities that encourage engagement of residents to support their health & wellbeing. This is a pilot programme running for 2023/24 to support small to medium-sized charities,... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
Consultation on 2025/2026 admission arrangements for Crownfield Infant School
Consultation on 2025/2026 admission arrangements for Community Infant, Junior and Primary schools The Local Authority are consulting on a proposed reduction to the Published Admission Number (PAN) at Crownfield Infant School from 120 to 90 due to falling pupil numbers. Dates The consultation runs between Friday 1 December 2023 and will finish on Friday 12 January 2024. MoreClosed 12 January 2024 -
Havering Road collision reduction programme
We would like to hear your views on a proposed safety improvement scheme for Havering Road. It follows a feasibility study that was carried out and found that up to 1,300 vehicles per hour use Havering Road with speeds of up to 50 mph regularly recorded. Further analysis of collision records showed that there have been a total of thirty personal injury accidents (PIAs) recorded along Havering Road between Kiln Wood Lane and Collier Row Lane over a five-year period. Of these... MoreClosed 5 January 2024
222 results.
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