Featured: Havering Government Funding Petition November 2024
Help Havering get its fair share of Government Funding In 2010, the Council received £70 million of Revenue Support Grant which is now £2 million today. The Revenue Support Grant coupled with other funding such as business rates makes up the Council’s core grant known as the...
Closes 30 April 2025
Featured: Havering Council's Tobacco Harm Reduction Strategy 2024-2029
Smoking is the leading cause of avoidable ill health such as cancer, heart and lung disease and also results in premature deaths. The Council has been working in partnership with numerous health and social care professionals and community organisations to develop a strategy to...
Closes 31 March 2025
Open Activities
Consultation on the Proposed Establishment of a Nursery Provision at Harold Court Primary School
Harold Court Primary School is seeking to open a 30 place Nursery provision for 3 - 4 year olds and this consultation sets out the plan to implement this proposal. In order to establish a...
Consultation on the proposal to amalgamate Squirrels Heath Infant School and Squirrels Heath Juniors Schools into a single primary school
The London Borough of Havering is consulting on a proposal to amalgamate Squirrels Heath Infant School and Squirrels Heath Junior School. This will result in a single primary school being...
Whitchurch Road - Proposed zebra crossing
We want to hear your views on Havering Council’s proposal to introduce a zebra crossing on Whitchurch Road, Romford. The proposed crossing should enhance and ensure safer crossing...
Community Chest Activity Information 2024 (To be completed at the end of the project - September 2024 onwards)
The questions are designed to capture overall activity data to enable the monitoring and evaluation of VCFSEs in receipt of a Community Chest grant. This information will respresent all...
Havering Council's Tobacco Harm Reduction Strategy 2024-2029
Smoking is the leading cause of avoidable ill health such as cancer, heart and lung disease and also results in premature deaths. The Council has been working in partnership with...
Marsh Way Active Travel Scheme Consultation
Havering Council is looking for your views on a proposed walking and cycling improvement scheme along Marsh Way in Rainham. Why is the scheme being proposed? The Council has an...
Closed Activities
Improving Prevention Services in Havering
Join the conversation! Your views will help us shape future prevention services to develop community health and wellbeing. Havering is engaging on a new approach to commissioning Prevention...
Paines Brook Park - Proposed shared footpath improvements
We want to hear your views on Havering Council’s proposal to widen the existing shared footpath in Paine’s Brook Park, Romford. The widened footpath will enhance the existing pathway,...
Havering Council Proposed Electric Vehicle Charging Parking Bays
Havering Council is looking for your views on our proposal to install Electric Vehicle Charging Points in residential streets over the coming months. The proposals mean, where necessary, some...
Havering Council Notice of Street Tree Removal
Havering Council is consulting on the removal of three trees: Location Reference Number Reason for removal 2 Bower Close ...
Consultation on a proposal to establish a SEND unit at The Royal Liberty School
The Royal Liberty School is consulting on a proposal to establish a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Unit for 18 pupils with Communication and Interaction (C&I) needs to be...
Mead Primary School - School Street Consultation
What is this consultation about? The current 18-month trial of the school street scheme which began on 30th October 2023 is due to finish on 29th April 2025. Therefore, Havering Council is...
We Asked, You Said, We Did
Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes
We asked
Between November 2023 and January 2024, we carried out another round of surveys that built on and added further detail to the information shared by parents and carers in response to the ‘Havering: SEND Survey for Parents and Carers’ in March 2023.
Using three separate surveys, one for children and young people, one for parents and carers, and one for professionals working within Havering’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) partnership, we sought views on how well the SEND partnership is promoting positive outcomes and experiences for children and young people with SEND and their families.
Where the earlier survey informed priorities linked to the Council’s involvement in the Department for Education’s (DfE) Delivering Better Value scheme, these additional surveys were used to inform the partnership’s evaluation of how well it is supporting children and young people with SEND and their families, and in turn, determine the priorities for its new SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy (2024-2028).
You said
A combined total of 292 responses were received to the surveys.
Parents and Carers
We received 190 responses from parents/carers of children and young people living in Havering.
Summaries of what they told us can be found here: SEND Survey – Parents and Carers
Children and Young people
We received 29 responses from children and young people living in Havering.
Summaries of what they told us can be found here: SEND Survey – Children and Young People
We received 73 responses from professionals working with children and young people living in Havering.
Summaries of what they told us can be found here: SEND Survey – Professionals
We did
These responses and information from other engagement activities with children and young people, families and those working in the local area have been used to create the local area’s SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy (2024-2028), which sets out how the local area partnership will work together with the community to improve experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families over the coming years.
The Strategy, and the partnership’s Self-Evaluation, was agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in September 2024 and is now available to view on the Havering SEND Local Offer, here.
We asked
Havering’s Local Heritage List helps our communities and the local planning authority to identify heritage assets (for example, buildings, monuments, sites and landscapes) that are much loved and a distinctive part of our local historic environment. It provides a comprehensive list of the location of assets and what is significant about them.
During June - August 2023, we asked for your comments on the criteria. Robust criteria ensure the local list is properly evidenced, which in turn allows each nomination to be given full consideration during planning decisions.
You said
We received 21 responses.
- You mentioned group value to be considered
- You suggested views and townscapes to be included in the criteria
- You suggested to put greater emphasis on pre-war buildings
- You mentioned a number of buildings for consideration
We did
The Local Heritage List criteria have now been updated, taking on board comments we received during the consultation. Changes include:
- Updating the text in the ‘Age’ criterion to reflect Havering’s development over time
- We have assessed the proposition to include views in the local heritage list. Views can be identified and protected through planning policies or any specific framework- i.e. Conservation Area, Local Plan, Within designated park and gardens. However, views cannot be designated as heritage assets in the local list.
- We will consider Townscapes for future Conservation Area assessment in terms of how a character of a townscape contributes to the special interest the conservation area.
- All buildings mentioned for consideration will be assessed for inclusion in the updated local list.
We asked
As part of Havering’s refresh of our Local Plan 2021, Havering Council carried out a consultation between March and May 2023 to ask people around the borough about their views on the characters of the areas where they live, work or study.
Led by Havering Planning team, with input from departments across the Council and an urbanisation practice, we delivered four pop-up events, a community workshop and an online survey to ensure we heard from a wide group of people.
You said
What we learned from 91 responses that were received to the online survey:
Positive feedback from the survey told us that:
- There were 98 (108%) positive responses about the green spaces and parks in Havering.
- 74 (81%) were based on transport which included trains, buses and the underground services.
- 22 (24%) of respondents said that the community is the strength of Havering.
- 14 (15%) said they valued the heritage and historic buildings of the borough
- 7 (8%) praised Havering’s amenities and facilities
- 5 (5%) commended Havering’s sense of safety
- 3 (3%) said they valued the peace and tranquillity the borough gives
Negative feedback from the survey told us:
- There were 22 (24%) negative responses about anti-social and safety issues in Havering.
- 17 (19%) of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the over-development of the borough, including building heights.
- There were 17 (19%) negative responses about the litter in Havering and a lack of care and maintenance in the borough.
- 14 (15%) of negative responses were based on issues with transport.
- 10 (11%) said that the sense of community spirit that was once there is now lost.
- 7 (8%) addressed issues with inadequate road surfaces in the borough.
What we learned from face-to-face engagement we did with local people:
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Protect, preserve and improve green spaces in the area. Protect wildlife. |
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Protect and preserve historic building with new buildings that reflect these. |
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Residents would like better road surfaces and bus services. |
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Importance of Queens Theatre as an asset in the local community. |
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Investment in public realm along the High Street. |
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More spaces for community gatherings and young people. |
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A concern that the town centre is losing its historic feel. |
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Value the convenience of city life with access to the countryside. |
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Better maintenance of the High Street and green spaces in the town centre. |
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New street furniture and signage needed. |
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Value the range of shops and accessibility. |
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Well maintained buildings including positive comments about the refurbishment of the Windmill. |
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Desire for new green space, improved footpaths and better public realm. |
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Accessibility and availability of public transport, shops and services. |
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Valued the heritage in the town centre but a need for better maintenance and reuse. |
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A concern about the height of new development. |
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Improvements to public realm and access to greenery. |
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Accessibility to the countryside – but some green spaces were highlighted as needing better maintenance. |
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An improvement to the shop fronts. |
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Value the attractive green and low-rise character. |
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The range of shops and services within a 10-minute walk. |
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Lack of cycle infrastructure. |
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Heritage assets are valued with a desire for careful refurbishment. |
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Happy to see new homes in the area alongside the delivery of new green spaces. |
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Concern about development without associated social infrastructure. |
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Access to natural green spaces and parks. |
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A concern about new development changing the character of the area in terms of the scale and type of buildings. |
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Better support for small and independent businesses in the town centre. |
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This was the only neighbourhood that we did not receive any comments about. |
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Value of network of local green spaces and play spaces. |
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Investment in public realm and planting alongside maintenance. |
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A need for better connections with other parts of the borough, particularly by bus. |
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Good quality shops, schools, play spaces and local parks. |
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A potential to reduce car parking around the shopping parade in order to improve public realm. |
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A desire for better walking and cycling infrastructure. |
We did
The survey results are being reviewed and will help us to:
- Understand the key issues and concerns about each place to help us shape the ideas and opportunities in the Character Study.
- Understand how local people define the edges and reach of their local area to help us shape the neighbourhood character area plan in the Character Study.
- Understand what local people value about the identity of their local area to help us shape the characteristics and qualities for future development defined in the Character Study.