Havering Council Bereavement Services Feedback Survey

Closes 30 Apr 2025

Equalities Monitoring questions

Please help us further understand how we can improve the service we provide to meet the needs of our customers by answering the following equalities questions.  

The information provided will be protected by The Data Protection Act 2018 that ensures the Council and its employees protect the confidentiality of data collected from individuals.

None of the data will be published in such a way that identifies individuals.

For more information on Havering's data privacy please see here.

81. I am happy to answer equalities questions.
82. How old are you?
83. How would you describe your gender identity?
84. Which of the following best descibes your sexual orientation?
85. What is your marital or civil partnership status?
86. Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong.

Please select from one of the drop-down lists below

87. Faith, Religion or Belief
88. Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or health condition?

If you have answered 'yes' please tick the box(s) below that best describe your impairment.  This information helps us improve access to our services