Havering Violence Against Womens and Girls (VAWG) Strategy consultation
About you
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a term that describes any form of violence that disproportionately affects women and girls and is usually perpetrated by men. It includes a wide range of acts, such as:
Sexual abuse, including rape, sexual assault, up-skirting, voyeurism and revenge porn
Domestic abuse, including controlling or coercive behaviour
Stalking and harassment
Female genital mutilation and forced marriage
So called "Honour-based" abuse, including dowry-related violence and "honour" crimes
Exploitation and trafficking
Online abuse, including cyberstalking and virtual indecent exposure
Sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in education settings and in public places
Street harassment including unwanted whistling, catcalling, sexualised language, touching and gestures