Havering Council Notice of Street Tree Removal

Closed 7 Mar 2025

Opened 7 Feb 2025


Havering Council is consulting on the removal of three trees: 

Location Reference Number Reason for removal
2 Bower Close TR000000262 Ash tree, ongoing root encroachment leading to property and infrastructure damage.  Tree of poor form, weak union at 1.8m, future point of failure.
Tindall Close near junction with Rosslyn Avenue TR000007448 

Norway maple tree T7 (10m high) to the rear LH flank of 29 Rosslyn Avenue, within 4m of the building.  Felling of tree to ground level to mitigate evidenced subsidence. 

222-224 South End Road TR000017708 

Maple tree.  Recommended felling due to ongoing property damage.  Previous mitigations have not proven effective in managing the root encroachment.

We will only remove trees that are dead, dying, diseased or dangerous.  Whilst not an immediate danger, these trees have proven to be a cause of ongoing damage to property, and as such are likely to pose an increasing risk over the coming years.

We would like to have your comments on these proposals. You can do this by completing our consultation or by submitting a representation in writing to:

Tree Team, Town Hall, Main Road, Romford, RM1 3BB

Email: trees@havering.gov.uk

Please make sure you quote the unique reference number for the relevant tree and your representation arrives no later than 7th March 2025.

The trees in question can be found by visiting Havering Council's Report an Issue with a Tree - Starter Portal  and using the location as the reference.

You can find a Duty to Consult guide for Local Authorities in the related section below, or by clicking here.


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