Havering Council Libraries Consultation

Closes 2 Aug 2024

Using Havering's libraries

Please tell us how often you use the libraries and what services or resources you like to use. 

1. How did you find about this consultation?
2. What is the first part of your postcode (eg RM14)?
3. Are you a Havering Library member?
4. Which is your main local library, that is, the one that you use most frequently?

Please choose one:

5. Please tell us how often you visit your main local library and how often you borrow books.
6. If you use any libraries other than your main one, please tell us which one(s).

Please choose up to three:

7. How do you usually travel to the library?

Please choose all that apply

8. Is there anything that prevents you from using libraries more?

Please choose all that apply:

9. What services or resources do you use at your local library?

 Please rank in order of most frequent:

10. How important have you found libraries are for:
11. Are there any additional services or resources that you would like to see provided by your local library to better meet the needs of the community?

Please select all that apply