Market Place Modular Home Survey
We would like your views on this example of a modular home.
Havering and the rest of London are experiencing a massive rise in the number of people going into temporary accommodation like hotels. This is not where we want to be and we want decent homes for residents. It also costs a lot of money for the council.
Modular homes offer a significant improvement over many of the current forms of temporary accommodation such as B&Bs or hostels, which often lack privacy, cooking facilities and adequate living space – all of which are needed for family life.
Built to the same standard as permanent homes – modular homes are energy efficient, well insulated and secure, providing a stable, self-contained environment helping families that are transitioning toward long-term housing.
They also represent another way to help local authorities to reduce their reliance on costly, lower-quality housing.
The installation at Market Place, Romford is not exactly the same as the proposals for the Waterloo and Queen Street scheme, which is subject to a full tender process and planning. However, the temporary modular home demonstrates the high quality finish that can be achieved and what can be delivered to help reduce the housing pressures.
Why your views matter
We are keen to learn about your visit and what you know about homelessness in the borough, what you thought of the installation, and modular homes in general.
Give us your views
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