Squirrels Heath Infant and Junior School Street Survey
This survey is asking for your views on the school street scheme in your area after its first 9 months of operation.
You are not be required to fill in every page, but the information you provide will be used to help guide the Council on the future of this scheme.
Your answers are confidential and will be held in accordance with GDPR.
What happens next
The information gathered from this survey will be used to help the Council make an informed decision on the future of the scheme.
- Residents
- Developers
- Planners
- Drivers
- Public Transport Users
- Cyclists
- Pedestrians
- Joggers
- Van and Lorry drivers
- Teachers
- Early Years providers
- Schools-based staff
- School Governors
- Parents
- Guardians
- Young Families
- Older Children and Teenagers
- Carers
- Road Users
- Internal audience
- Tenants
- Landlords
- Managing agents
- Solicitors
- Estate agents
- Letting agents
- Children
- Young People
- Social Care
- Adults Social Care
- Children and Young People Social Care
- Early Help
- Residents
- Businesses
- Communities
- Children's Centres
- Early Years
- Nurseries
- School Governance
- Pre-school
- Early Years
- Primary school
- Secondary School
- Roads
- Traffic
- Congestion
- Parking
- Air Quality
- Highways
- Environment
- Residents
- Communities
- Businesses
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