Harrow Lodge Primary School Streets Consultation

Closed 16 Aug 2020

Opened 20 Jul 2020


What is this consultation about?

This consultation is about gathering your views on a proposed trial of a school street scheme to make it easier and safer for children to walk and cycle to school. The scheme proposes to close the roads to non-essential vehicles around the entrance to the school at opening and closing times. It is also hoped this will reduce the number of journeys made to the school by car and improve air quality by reducing the level of pollution children are exposed to.

Harrow Lodge school entrances in Rainsford Way and Barton Road and adjoining roads Strathmore Gardens, Saunton Road and Mansard Close would temporarily become a pedestrian and cycle only zone between 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm from Monday to Friday during term time.

The restriction would not prevent residents and their visitors leaving the street during these times, as only access is restricted for the purpose of keeping the area free of traffic for children’s health and safety.

Residents who live in Rainsford Way, Barton Road, Strathmore Gardens, Saunton Road and Mansard Close will be able to register for an exemption to the scheme to ensure they are not at risk of receiving a penalty.

What is the proposed scheme?

There are 2 entrances to the school located in Rainsford Way to the north and Barton Road to the east.

Rainsford Way from the junction of Hornchurch Road, and Strathmore Gardens from the junction of Upper Rainham Road will be made pedestrian and cycle only from 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm from Monday to Friday during term time.

Barton Road from the junction with Albany Road, Saunton Road from the junction of Chestnut Avenue inclusive of Mansard Close will also be made pedestrian and cycle only from 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm from Monday to Friday during term time.

  • Access for residents to enter the streets will be maintained for vehicles registered for an exemption.
  • All other vehicles driven by parents, visitors, delivery vehicles and school staff not registered for an exemption will not be permitted to enter the zone during the closure.
  • Any vehicle already in the zone during the closure will be permitted to exit the street without receiving a penalty.
  • Signage will be erected at the junctions of Rainsford Way, Stathmore Gardens, Barton Road and Chestnut Avenue advising motorists of the restriction. All signs will be facing outward from the zone boundary.
  • The zone will be enforced by unattended cameras positioned in Rainsford Way, Stathmore Gardens, Barton Road and Chestnut Avenue. All cameras will be facing into the zone.
  • Any vehicles not permitted to enter the zone will be automatically issued with a penalty.
  • If approved the trial will begin during Septmber 2020.
  • The trial will run until 30th June 2021.
  • After the trial, a decision will be made on whether to make it permanent.

Why your views matter

The Council is committed to making Havering’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. We are creating a cleaner environment that will reduce air pollution and improve the health and wellbeing of the community by encouraging more walking and cycling wherever possible. 

Harrow Lodge Primary School has been selected to take part in this exciting scheme as it experiences problems at the school gate during opening and closing times putting the health and safety of children at risk.

The aim is to improve local air quality and make it easier and safer for children and their parents to walk and cycle to school.

Reducing the use of private car journeys to and from school should lead to:

  • Less road danger from traffic
  • Less anti-social behaviour from inconsiderate parking and dangerous manoeuvres
  • More walking and cycling by children and parents
  • Reduced congestion and pollution from vehicles waiting with their engines running

The schools streets scheme is being brought in under an experimental order, which means residents will have up to 6 months from the order going live (during September) to make objections and request amendments to the scheme.

We have taken this approach as this is a vital part of the Council recovery plan for Covid-19 in which this scheme will allow social distancing outside of schools. 

With regards to exceptions, there will be no charge for registering your vehicle as a resident or carer. 

What happens next

Your feedback will help us decide whether to proceed with the proposals. The results will be available at https://consultation.havering.gov.uk/

Should the Council agree to proceed, residents living in the zone will receive a letter informing them of when the scheme is to begin operating with details on how to register your vehicle for an exemption. Notices will also be displayed in the street advising of the changes.


  • Residents
  • Drivers
  • Public Transport Users
  • Cyclists
  • Pedestrians
  • Joggers
  • Van and Lorry drivers
  • Teachers
  • Early Years providers
  • Schools-based staff
  • School Governors
  • Parents
  • Guardians
  • Young Families
  • Older Children and Teenagers
  • Carers
  • Road Users
  • Businesses


  • Primary school
  • Roads
  • Traffic
  • Congestion
  • Parking
  • Air Quality
  • Public Protection
  • Highways
  • Environment
  • Residents
  • Communities
  • Businesses