Hacton Drive Pedestrian Zone consultation

Closed 5 Feb 2024

Opened 15 Jan 2024


How does a Pedestrian Zone work?

A Pedestrian Zone scheme restricts motorised traffic to non-resident vehicles on the streets of the zone during the times of operation.

A pedestrian zone is monitored by unattended cameras mounted on lamp columns or posts at the entry points of a zone. Vehicles seen entering the restricted area during the times of prohibition without a permit or not exempted will be issued a Penalty Charge Notice. Leaving the pedestrian zone will not be monitored. 

Signage stating the zone times and days of operation is displayed at the entrance and exits of the zone. Additional early warning signs are positioned in roads approaching a zone on appropriate street furniture such as lamp columns.

Are any vehicles permitted access to a pedestrian zone?

Residents living within a zone will be granted an exemption permit in order to enter and exit during the times of operation. When applying online for a virtual access permit, documents showing ownership of the vehicle together with a Council tax reference will be required. 

Emergency vehicles, waste collection trucks, school transport vehicles, Dial-a-Ride, marked delivery vans and other public transport vehicles will be automatically exempted and will be granted access. Registered/unregistered carers will be eligible for an exemption permit providing evidence of providing support to a resident. 

The restriction does not prevent residents and their visitors leaving the zone during the times of operation, as only access is restricted for the purpose of keeping the area free of traffic.


Why your views matter

This consultation is about gathering your views on a pedestrian zone and whether you would welcome one being implemented in Hacton Drive. 


  • Residents


  • Children's Centres
  • Congestion
  • Parking
  • Air Quality
  • Highways