Thames Freeport Community Engagement

Closes 25 Sep 2024


1. Please tell us the first half of your postcode (this will be 3 or 4 characters)
2. Give three words to describe employment and education opportunities in South Havering
3. How qualified do you feel to apply for jobs in South Havering?
4. How could opportunities for employment or training in South Havering be improved?
There is a limit of 100 characters
5. What investment is needed in South Havering?
There is a limit of 100 characters
6. What infrastructure would you like to see in South Havering?
There is a limit of 100 characters
7. What do you know about Thames Freeport?
There is a limit of 100 characters
8. What opportunities would you like to see through Thames Freeport?
There is a limit of 100 characters
9. How could Thames Freeport support you or your community into skilled local employment? What education, training, or support would you need?
There is a limit of 100 characters
10. Would you like to provide more insight into employment, skills, and infrastructure in South Havering through a South Havering Residents Forum? If yes, please provide your email address below.

By providing your email address, you consent to us contacting you for the purpose of getting involved in a South Havering Residents Forum.