Lanterns, Balloons and Fireworks

Closed 12 Feb 2023

Opened 12 Jan 2023

Feedback updated 19 May 2023

We asked

The release of sky lanterns is causing a major impact on the environment and a danger to human and animal life due to wild fires.  Over 188 Councils have already banned the release of sky lanterns from their land, including neighbouring authorities such as Essex County Council and the London Borough of Redbridge.

There are similar risks associated with the outdoor release of helium balloons, and unauthorised fireworks displays.

Havering Council carried out a consultation activity from January 2023 to February 2023 to ask the public for their thoughts and comments on banning the following activities from Council owned and managed land:


  • the release and sale of sky lanterns
  • the release of helium balloons
  • unauthorised firework displays

You said

512 responses were received to the consultation.  The majority of responses were fully supportive of the Council’s proposals.

Sky Lanterns

  • 95% of respondents said they were aware that sky lanterns are harmful to the environment and wildlife.
  • 94% would like the Council to consider banning the release of sky lanterns from Council owned and managed land.
  • 94% would like the Council to consider refusing the sale of sky lanterns at any Council events.

Helium Balloons

  • 90% of respondents said they were aware that the release of helium balloons are a source of littering and can be harmful to wildlife.
  • 91% would like the Council to consider banning the release of helium balloons from Council owned and managed land.


  • 89% of respondents agree that Havering Council should prohibit unauthorised firework displays on council owned or managed land.

We did

Havering's Cabinet met on 8 March 2023 and agreed to adopt a policy on the Release of Sky Lanterns, the Release of Helium Balloons and the Unauthorised Use of Fireworks on Council Owned or Managed Land.  Please see more information Here which includes the policy.


The release of sky lanterns is causing a major impact on the environment and a  danger to human and animal life due to wild fires.  Over 188 Councils have already banned the release of sky lanterns from their land, including neighbouring authorities such as Essex County Council and the London Borough of Redbridge.

There are similar risks associated with the outdoor release of helium balloons, and unauthorised fireworks displays.

We would like to hear your views on how Havering Council can help tackle these important issues.


  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Communities


  • Air Quality
  • Public Protection
  • Environment
  • Waste Minimisation
  • Climate Change
  • Residents
  • Communities
  • Businesses