Havering Safeguarding Priorities 2024-27
Havering Safeguarding Partnership works to keep adults and children safe in Havering by working together with all statutory agencies, the voluntary sector, our community and faith groups. Whether you are an adult or child, young person, student, resident, worker or volunteer, please let us know what your priorities are for us to help keep people safe.
Please let us know your priorities for safeguarding adults and children in Havering for our Safeguarding Partnership.
Why your views matter
Havering Safeguarding Partnership works to support adults and children being safer - and your views will help to inform our plan for 2024-27. With your views, we will ensure staff and volunteers have the necessary training, tools and resources to tackle the key areas of need that you identify in Havering. We will publish our Havering Safeguarding Partnership Plan 2024-27 later in the year so that you can see the impact you have made.
What happens next
We will use your views and opinions to write our plans for safeguarding adults and children in 2024-27. Your priorities will show us where to direct our training, our resources and tools for the public, staff who work in local agencies in Havering, and families. Your voice will make a diference.
- Teachers
- Early Years providers
- Schools-based staff
- School Governors
- Head Teachers
- Primary schools
- Secondary schools
- Special schools
- Alternative provisions
- Parents
- Guardians
- Young Families
- Older Children and Teenagers
- Carers
- Tenants
- Landlords
- Children
- Young People
- Social Care
- Adults Social Care
- Children and Young People Social Care
- Early Help
- Residents
- Businesses
- Communities
- Children's Centres
- Early Years
- Nurseries
- School Governance
- Social Care
- Pre-school
- Early Years
- Primary school
- Secondary School
- Entertainment
- Arts
- Theatre
- Music
- Libraries
- Tenants
- Housing
- Social Care
- Public Health
- Residents
- Communities
- Businesses
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